Rabbi Avraham Brandwein of Yerushalayim 5764
With the help of Heaven!
This Shabbos, (the Torah reading) is Parshas Mishpatim. However, (in addition,
at the end of the Torah reading, we also read Parshas Shekalim, (which recounts)
that each person would give a half shekel coin, at the time that the Holy
Temple was in existence, on the first of (the Hebrew month of) Adar. This
was in order to preempt the Shekalim, which Haman wanted to give Achashverosh,
in order to kill the Jews. The Shekalim were for the needs of the sacrifices.
It is possible to connect these two Parshas. According to the secret (of Kabbalah),
it is known that the Sefirah of Malchus carries within her the Tzimtzum (restriction)
on the Light. Thereby, from Malchus and below, the light would not spread.
This was in order that (the Light) not emanate to the Chitzonim (External levels,
the Kelipos), which are those who are unfit to receive the Divine Light. Because
of this, the Sefirah of Malchus ascended to the Sefirah of Binah, and all of
the Sefiros, which were beneath Binah, fell to a level lower, beneath them.
Seemingly, a greater mess has been made. Before, only Malchus was Tzimtzumed,
and now even the Sefiros beneath Binah are Tzimtzumed.
However, the truth is, that through this action, on the contrary, a combination
(a partnership) was made between the upper and the lower (levels), so that
half of the upper level descended to the lower level. In this form, the upper
and the lower (levels) become partners, and neither can ascend without the
help of the other. From this spiritual root flows the principle that all
of Israel is responsible for each other. No one can be complete, without
the help of the other, since no person can be complete without the partnership
and help of another person.
This is the issue of the giving of the half shekel, since “Shekel” is
Gematria “Nefesh” (430). Since each person is only a half, therefore,
by giving the half to Holiness, there (in Holiness), all is united, since the
Holy Temple is the place of the unity of the souls.
Likewise, Parshas Mishpatim, its contents are primarily (laws, which relate
to issues) between man and his fellow man. This teaches us the (proper) path,
that physical possessions are not the most important, and that “this
world” will pass away, (since) it is not eternal. Before receiving
the Torah, it says, “And you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy
nation, for the land belongs to Me.” It is understood from this, that
each person has a (unique) part and role, but in the end, all combines together
to refine the entire world, (where) automatically the fights (and disputes)
of the physical realm will be canceled out.
(This is shown by the combination of the two Parshas.) (Parshas) Mishpatim
(relates to) the Tikkun (repair and refinement) between man and his fellow
man, with regard to the physical realm. (Parshas) Shekalim (relates to the)
Tikkun between man and Hashem.
Every person needs the other. Only then, they can be united, in the end of
the Tikkun, into one soul.