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PARSHAS VAYISHLACHRabbi Avraham Brandwein of Yerushalayim 5764
In our Parsha, it tells of Yaakov Avinu who returns from Charan to the Land of Israel, together with his wives and children. On the way, he sends messengers to Aisav, to appease him, so that he should not kill him, as it is written at the end of Parshas Toldos, that his mother, Rivka, told him to flee to Charan, since Aisav his brother wants to kill him, since he took the blessings from him. It is written in Rashi that Yaakov prepared himself for three things, for giving a gift, for prayer, and for war. The same idea we find in the service of Yom Kippur of the High Priest, that there were two goats. One goat was a sacrifice to Hashem and the other goat was the “scapegoat” to Azazel. It is written in the Holy Zohar that this scapegoat is a gift to the Sitra Achora (the Other Side), to not prosecute against the Nation of Israel. After the sacrificing of the goat, the High Priest then prayed for the Nation of Israel. It is further written in the Holy Zohar that at each meal one should give a portion to the Sitra Achora, and this is the idea of washing Mayim Acharonim (the last waters before grace after meals).